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Packages starting with "r"

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | all
<<< Packages 51 through 100 of 4233 >>>
ID descending sort Name
25812 rust-gio0.16
25811 rust-tiff0.6
25810 rust-gio-sys0.16
25809 rust-gdk4_0.5
25808 rust-gdk4_0.4
25807 rust-gdk4-sys0.5
25806 rust-gdk4-sys0.4
25805 rust-gdk0.16
25804 rust-gdk-sys0.16
25803 rust-gdk-pixbuf0.16
25802 rust-gdk-pixbuf-sys0.16
25774 rust-freetype-sys0.16
25773 rust-freetype-rs0.31
25772 rust-strum0.24
25768 rust-exa
25765 rust-serde_qs
25757 rust-crc2
25754 rust-clap_generate_fig
25753 rust-clap_generate
25752 rust-clap_complete_fig3
25749 rust-quick-xml0.22
25748 rust-cargo_metadata0.12
25747 rust-pyo3_0.18
25746 rust-pyo3_0.16
25745 rust-pyo3_0.15
25744 rust-pyo3-macros0.18
25743 rust-pyo3-macros0.16
25742 rust-pyo3-macros0.15
25741 rust-pyo3-macros-backend0.18
25740 rust-pyo3-macros-backend0.16
25739 rust-pyo3-macros-backend0.15
25738 rust-pyo3-ffi0.18
25737 rust-pyo3-ffi0.16
25736 rust-pyo3-build-config0.18
25735 rust-pyo3-build-config0.16
25734 rust-pyo3-build-config0.15
25733 rust-cairo-sys-rs0.16
25732 rust-cairo-rs0.16
25731 rust-boxfnonce
25726 rust-atk0.16
25725 rust-atk-sys0.16
25723 rust-aparato
25722 rust-ansi-str0.5
25718 rudiments
25717 rubygem-uglifier
25714 rust-os_pipe0.9
25713 rubygem-thread_safe
25712 rubygem-spring-watcher-listen
25711 rubygem-sass-twitter-bootstrap
25710 rust-normpath0.3
<<< Packages 51 through 100 of 4233 >>>