Click here to visit the old openkoji buildsystem (Archived)

Packages starting with "b"

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | all
<<< Packages 101 through 150 of 319 >>>
ID Name descending sort
1367 bottles
1366 botan2
1365 botan
1364 boswars-addons
1363 boswars
1362 borgmatic
1361 borgbackup
1360 booth
1359 bootc
1358 boost-http-server
1357 boost
1355 boom-boot
1356 boomaga
1354 bookworm-1.1.3-0.10.20200414git.c7c3643.fc39.src
23922 bookworm
1353 booksorg
1352 bontmia
1351 bonnie++
1350 bomber
1349 bombardier
1348 bolzplatz2006
1347 bolt
1346 boinc-tui-2.7.0-2.fc39.src
23921 boinc-tui
1345 boinc-client
1344 bogofilter
1343 bogl
1342 bodr
1341 bodhi-server
1340 bodhi-messages
1339 bodhi-client
1338 bochs
1337 bmon
1336 bmap-tools
1335 bmake
1334 blurhash-cpp
1333 bluez-tools
1332 bluez-hcidump
1331 bluez
1330 blueprint-compiler
1329 blueman
1328 bluefish
1327 bluedevil
1326 bluecurve-icon-theme
1325 bluechi
1324 bluebird
1323 bltk
1322 blt-2.4-66.z.fc39.src
23920 blt
1321 blosc2
<<< Packages 101 through 150 of 319 >>>